I don’t know about you, but it seems like more and more, I can’t escape the pull of constant connectivity. Every spare moment, from waiting in line at the grocery store, to lying in bed at night, even stopping at a traffic light fills itself with scrolling through social media feeds, reading endless articles, or listening…
Continue ReadingThis past Sunday, Agapē Love was the closing of our four-week series on types of Greek love inthe bible. Pastor Mark broke it down into digestible pieces, referencing the preceding song,“Reckless Love,” and reconciled what it is and isn’t. The lyrics of the song spoke to Mark’s message. “I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t…
Continue ReadingAt Mosaic, we are into our third week (of four) studying different kinds of love.The type of love with which we are most likely accustomed celebrates the beautyor strength of the beloved. The Greek term for this type of love is eros. It meansthe kind of love I give to what satisfies my desires, wins…
Continue ReadingThis past Sunday, Storge was the emphasis of our four-week series, focusing on the quartet ofGreek types of love in the bible. It is an uncommon word in our daily vocabulary. Storge isinnate affection, a natural family love. This type of love resembles the instinctive love betweenmother and child, intuitive and unforced. Pastor Andriel discussed…
Continue ReadingWhen hearing the phrase, phileo love, I always have three mental images. One is Philadelphia, which is one of the seven churches addressed in Revelation and is one of two churches that receive only praise and no criticism. The second is of the city called Philadelphia that can be found in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,…
Continue ReadingAs Pastor Harry led the Christ-following body at Mosaic in a time of prayer thispast Sunday, a response of worship manifested itself among the attendingMosaics. The total body attending was engaged in focused prayer for eachperson individually, for the collective Mosaic body and for the nation. Theservice caused a recollection of the meaning of worship…
As we wrapped up our study of Standing Firm, aka putting on the armor ofGod, this past Sunday, Pastor Lawrence led us through the need for prayer, thedefense mechanism which follows putting on the armor. Ephesians 6: (NKJV) 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in theSpirit, being watchful to this end with all…
In this past Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Lauren returned us to Ephesians chapter 6 where Paul exhorts us to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” by choosing a robust life in Christ through taking up the whole armor of God. The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of…
Continue ReadingWe often sing songs about Jesus being our everything. It’s even more interesting when you think about him in relation to the armor of God we have been studying. When Paul says to put on the breastplate of righteousness, we may think we need to be more righteous in our actions. But he also says…
Hebrews 1:1,” Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” As Pastor Harry dissected the above Scripture this past Sunday, I couldn’t help but think about the ups and downs Joseph went through. However, through it all, his faith never let him down. He was sure of his…
Continue ReadingLast Sunday at Mosaic
January 2, 2025