The Bible is chock-full of stories of God making much of those society does not. Many “heroes” in the Bible had humble beginnings, such as David or Gideon, and their society did not make much of them. But God did.

And when He did, amazing things happened.

Now let’s turn our attention to the directives we have received from the one we follow, namely, those constant exhortations to feed the widows and orphans, to remember those in jail, to take care of the immigrants in the land. As His image-bearers, if we make much of the least of these, amazing things will happen.

How do we know?

As Pastor Lawrence Hicks pointed out this past Sunday, the tribe of Judah was not one of particular significance in the eyes of society. But it WAS the tribe from which a ruler came who has changed the trajectory of our world, and our lives. A promise fulfilled once for all time, and yet also, over and over again. 

HE is the one who gives significance and meaning. Are we persons of importance in the eyes of society? Let us not forget the One who lets us have our place. Are we persons insignificant in the eyes of the world? Our story is not yet done. He sees us. It is the constant testimony of the Word. It is a promise.

Acts 10:34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.