The twelve disciples continue to be a source of inspiration and learning. This week, we see them stumble again, experiencing again the hard lesson that Jesus is the only one who can meet their needs, whether they were looking for bread to eat, or peace in a storm.

How often do we stumble over this lesson? How often do we look at our circumstances instead of looking to Jesus? Human nature has not changed from the time when the disciples walked the earth. How often we need to be reminded to look at THE Source instead of our own resources!

Since we have the source of all sources, we can more easily obey the directive in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and the example given by Jesus to give thanks in all circumstances. As opposed to others given to us, this has a positive, encouraging ring to it so we often do not recognize it for what it is: a command. It is one of the ones we probably most often fail. But this is not simply inspirational writing. It is through His lovingkindness that He gives us this command, for this is one of the ways that enables us to keep our focus on Jesus.

We have the opportunity to learn from the disciples rather than repeating their misunderstandings, or worse, experiencing a hardening of our hearts. Let us take it this week, truly apply it, and watch as he miraculously gives us what we need, when we need it.

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