At Mosaic, we are into our third week (of four) studying different kinds of love.
The type of love with which we are most likely accustomed celebrates the beauty
or strength of the beloved. The Greek term for this type of love is eros. It means
the kind of love I give to what satisfies my desires, wins my admiration, or fulfills
my appetites. We learn this kind of love early on, as children’s stories reinforce it
(Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty). Properly managed, it is a great kind
of love. It’s great for parents to love the gifts of their children, the beauty and
strength of their spouses, but having only this kind of love is too precarious when
it comes to love in one’s life. We also need a kind love that is stronger. A kind of
love that creates value in what is loved. This is the love of God. He didn’t make
us because He needed us. He created us out of His love. C.S. Lewis said “God,
who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order
that He may love and perfect them.”

In what ways do we show love? We show it when we delight in the ones we
love. What happens within you when you read to your child or grandchild and
watch him/her learn? Isn’t it delightful? If it wasn’t, you would have to ask
yourself if you were doing it out of duty or obligation. When you see someone
you love, how does your heart react? If it makes your heart glad, you are feeling
love and unless you are a stoic, you probably manifest that love to that person
with your face and body language. You don’t love your spouse and children
because it is required. You love them because your heart desires to do so. You
delight in them.

Another way we show our love is by giving. Giving is to love what eating is to
hunger. Giving is how love expresses itself. Per John 3:16, For God so loved
the world that He gave His only Son.