Prayer is an element of the Christian life that we give a lot of lip service to, but do not practice nearly enough. As Pastor Harry reiterated Sunday, nothing of eternal consequence occurs outside of prayer. So why do we not do it more?? Deep down, we are convinced that it doesn’t really “work.” And of course, whether or not it works depends on what we expect prayer to do.

Sometimes God does things simply because we ask. Jesus Himself prayed. Why would He need to do so? Because He understood that it changed things.

At this point, more of us are on board. But things still keep us from engaging in the activity itself. One of which is the fact that we are a product of our culture, which itself teaches us that we are to be in a constant state of production. If WE are not doing something, it feels as though we are wasting out time when in fact, the opposite could be true. We could be engaging in the incredibly important activity of making the world a better place by simply creating the space and time to talk to God and ask Him to move in the people and spaces around us.

We are all desperate for more peace and joy in this world. So this week, let us all pray. Your kingdom come. Amen.


  1. Rafael Estrella on April 26, 2024 at 10:13 am

    “Sometimes God does things simply because we ask. Jesus Himself prayed. Why would He need to do so? Because He understood that it changed things.” Thanks for this perspective. Yes, it is a very common one, but there are others.

  2. Benilda Tillman on April 27, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    According to Oswald Chambers, “Prayer Is a HOLY Occupation.” We ought to pray and not faint. We see issues around us in a different light, a spiritual light.

    In a nutshell, prayer is asking and waiting on God, on his answer to our lament, our cry.

  3. Kree on April 28, 2024 at 9:25 am

    We need another prayer night. Let’s come together and pray together.