Say what?? There are a lot of big names, and big interpretations, for what has come to be known colloquially as “the end times.” There’s Post-millennialism, Preterism, Partial Preterism, Pre-tribulationism….the list goes on. Some people are fascinated by the subject and love breaking out charts. Some have been traumatized as children by relentless speculation on the subject.

And it is all interesting and important. Regardless of our individual opinions, chosen interpretations, or whether we have an opinion at all, God’s word makes clear that there will be troublesome times. Pastor Mark brought to our attention this past Sunday how people will behave…and it isn’t good.

But we have incredible instructions for what to do in these times. It’s difficult to remember, but they are not very different from other “times.” Whether or not this is “the end,” we are to love. We are to serve. We are to hold tight to the teaching we have been given.

And we have an incredible helper in the Holy Spirit. Let us run the race…


  1. Rafael on June 23, 2023 at 9:53 am


  2. Terrie Runnells on June 23, 2023 at 10:30 am

    Praise our heavenly Father, who is worthy of praise that He has given us His promises and instructions through His Holy Word! He has given us His Holy Spirit, and we are never left alone.
    Onward Christian Soldiers!

  3. Gerald C. on June 26, 2023 at 8:52 pm

    Amen sister.

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