This past Sunday, Pastor Harry spoke about the principle of giving. It’s something of an oxymoron, but the more you give, the more you receive.

We all sacrifice a little something to be at Mosaic. For me, I love the rhythms and centeredness of traditional mainstream churches. So in our household, we observe Lent every year. On Ash Wednesday this year, we went to a local service, and the prayer was so impactful to me that I cut it out and have been reading/praying it every day. Maybe it will mean something to you as well. As we contemplate what it means to give, would you like to join me in confessing?

Creator God, you fashioned us out of dust, breathing your Spirit into us, so we might sing your praise.

But we have denounced your gift of life in order to be our own gods, clinging to death-dealing idols of our own making.

We discount the weak, and profit by other’s pain.

Not trusting your providence, we stop our ears to the cries of those in need because we are afraid we won’t have enough.

We have been unfaithful stewards, O Lord.

We live in a state of sin among a people of sin. 

Save for your grace, we perish.

Remember our making, Creator God; remember we are dust.

Have mercy on us according to your loving kindness. Breathe new life into us once more, so we might be the people you created us to be. Restore unto us the joy of your salvation that we might do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray, Amen.