The day has come to an end. You have readied yourself for bed, crawled between the sheets, and closed your eyes. But rather than drifting into a peaceful nights sleep, your mind begins to race through the “could have…” “would have…” “should haves…” of the day. Perhaps you are one of the many individuals whose mind has the tendency to replay the day’s moments, leaving you to question things said or decisions made. Sleep evades and anxiety, frustration, and/or fear take its place.

Do you ever crave a peaceful night’s sleep? Well, the book of Proverbs reveals that such sleep is not only possible, it is promised.  A sleep with no overthinking, no second guessing. How? Through the acquisition of wisdom.

Keep sound wisdom and discretion,
So they will be life to your soul
And adornment to your neck.
Then you will walk in your way securely
And you foot will not stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Proverbs 3:22-24

In this passage, the word “discretion” refers to the way in which one behaves and/or speaks. You see, the author of Proverbs reveals that not only are we to seek after wisdom, we are also to allow wisdom to permeate the way in which we behave and speak. So, first, we must seek to acquire wisdom – God’s wisdom through asking Him and studying His Word. Next, we put that wisdom into practice, allowing it not only to affect the way we think, but also the way we act. And, as Pastor Lawrence mentioned on Sunday, wisdom in turn provides protection and preservation. Not only of the body, but also of the heart and of the mind. So that, at the end of the day, when one lays down their head to sleep, God’s peace flows forth. And, rest comes in the confidence that the day’s decision were not made by an individual alone, but through the wisdom and direction of God.